Monday, November 9, 2015

Class Updates

Hi Students -

Reminder to the Tribal Classes there will be no class on Wed. Nov. 11th due to Veterans Day holiday. 

There will also be no classes for both cabaret and tribal the week of Thanksgiving, Nov. 24th &

Our class recital will be Wed. Dec. 16th from 7:00 - 8:30.

The new brochures will be out in December and the code word for the 10% discount will be "frosty".  I will let you know when registration starts so you can take advantage of the early bird registration.

See you in class...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

State Fair 2015

This years State Fair has been by far been the most interesting.  My students were troopers and I am honored to dance beside them.

If everything could go wrong it did and bless their hearts they didn't let it show and they put on the best show we could under the circumstances.  I love my students!!!!!

Here are some photos from the days event.